
How To Improve The Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Cholesterol: An animal sterol that is normally synthesis by liver.

You have many ways to lower the Cholesterol
levels naturally .Be away from the drugs that
control the Cholesterol levels because they can
be dangerous for you, as they may cause liver
and immune problems, general weakness and
weaken the muscles, and also it may be cancer
Here are the natural ways that lowers your
Cholesterol level:
1. Lifestyle changes.
2. Reducing stress.
3. Exercise.
4. Giving up smoking.
5. Diet.
And a magic secret which is: Drinking more
water. How can you do that?

Lifestyle changes:
You have to eat balanced food, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Olive oil and Fish oil in your diet is very important and very useful for your health.
Be away from eating hydrogenated oil and processed food. Fast food is very dangerous as it is full of bad fats and salts and with no calories. Cookies, cakes muffins contain sugar and unhealthy fats So you have to stay away from these poisons to improve your health. It may be inconvenient at the beginning but you have to adapt to this routine.

Reducing stress:
The good way to reduce the stress is by starting to add some beneficial tool to
your arsenal, like bio- feedback, meditation and going out to have some time to relax as traveling at least one day. Be away from caffeine especially in soda and coffee. As you
have to remove the soda from your drinking

Exercise can help you to reduce the stress and it is one of the most important things to
improve your health and lower your Cholesterol level, at least walking everyday,
this will decrease the bad Cholesterol (LDL).

Giving up smoking:
It is the most important thing you have to do for yourself and for the people you love, by giving up smoking, the good Cholesterol (HDL) will increase naturally.

You have to follow your doctor instructions and orders about the balanced food like: vegetables and fresh fruits. Some useful food is: Good fats and oils like (Olive Oil ,Fish Oil). Fresh vegetables and fruits. Fish (mercury free). Grapes and Orange juice. Legumes. Curry.
Avocados. Garlic. Blueberries (they are so useful, they are fruits but in a class by themselves).
Nuts and Seeds. Oats and soluble fibers. Be
away from: Caffeine. Wheat. Red meat. Muffins.
Soda. Alcohol. Fast food. Cookies. Canned or
prepared food. Refined sugar. Here are some
supplements that can help in improving your
health and lowers your Cholesterol: B complex.
Vitamin C, E,D. Coral Calcium. Fish Oil. Plant
Sterols. Policosanol. Magnesium. Don’t hesitate
and make all these changes in your lifestyle to
go through a positive way to improve your health without spending money on Cholesterol drugs.

Hope this is helpful?

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